

4:01 PM

"Doing Cool Things That Matter," Ask any Google Student Ambassador what gives them the drive or motivation, and be sure to hear these words in their replies. As part of our role as GSAs, we introduce students to Google student programs and opportunities by creating awareness and holding training events for such events.

Saturday, 21st February 2015 is not just any other ordinary event day for Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (Kenya). It is the day we held our first ever Google Summer of Code 2015 awareness and training event. This was part of the JKUATDevFest that had over 150 attendees.

As a culture for most, developers and other students streamed in carrying their laptops. (Developers are ready to write code, anywhere anytime, so long as they have access to Internet/Free Wifi). First step, check in by filling an online Google attendance form. The agenda for the day: Android Wear, Polymer, Google Summer of Code awareness session and a coding session on Google Cloud Platform.
Opening remarks by Dennis Riungu, GDG Lead, JKUAT

Dennis Riungu, GDG Lead JKUAT presenting on Google Cardboard

Joseph Sharia, the JKUAT Android Facilitator during the GSoC event
At about 9.30 am, the event kicked off with opening remarks from Dennis Riungu, the GDG Lead JKUAT. He went on to handle the Android Wear Session and went on to demonstrate the Google Cardboard.

The next session was the introduction of the Android Study Group Facilitators, Brian Onyando and Joseph Sharia to the students, who gave more insights on the program and what was required of the students

Then came the teaser session and fun session. The best has to be the gorilla game.

Kammal & a participant playing the gorilla game

Attendees asking questions on GSoC program
At about 11 am, I did a presentation on GSoC 2015. Under this, I took the students through: the overview of the program, requirements to participate on the same, FAQs, benefits to students and the resource sites, including hangout videos. The session came to an end by requesting students to join SSA GSoC enthusiast mailing list and the SSA GSoC Virtual classroom.

The other sessions that followed included talks on Polymer by GDG Kenya Country Mentor, and industry insights by Andrew, an Alumni.

To grace the occasion, Kamal Budhabati, who was the Keynote speaker, took the students
through his innovation and entrepreneurship path towards establishing one of the best IT companies in Kenya, Craft Silicon. You could see the happy faces of the students as they listened to him, asked questions and even shared their experiences with the CEO. “It is  basically about seizing every opportunity that comes your way.

Kamal Budhabati interacting with participants

Just before the coding session, students enjoyed the lunch break session as they interacted.

Ken leading developers during the coding session

For developers, came the most interesting part, the coding session. For most of us, this was  different from what we are used to: learning the Google Cloud Platform. Basically students were helped by Antony Nandaa, the "Prof", Ken, Andrew, Dennis and other lead developers to set up the installation resources before they could finally output (“Hello world, Welcome to JKUAT DevFest 2015”)
Prof Nandaa during the coding session - Google Cloud Platform

As we came to the close of our event that day, we were happy to report that, out of the 150+ attendees:

 We would like to thank Kamal Budhabati, C.E.O Craft Silicon Anthony Nandaa aka "Prof"- founder Devint and BeyondelabsKenneth Kinyanjui, the GDG  Country MentorMaggy, GDG Lead Kenyatta UniversityNelly, GDG Lead United States International UniversityKevin, GDG Lead Multimedia University, JKUAT Alumni and every other person for gracing our event.
Token of appreciation to the speakers
As a follow up, we have been having weekly meet up sessions where students have been discussing some of the projects they are working on based on the mentor organizations they chose to work with. 

Even though it is the first time JKUAT is participating in the program, we hope this will be the beginning of something really great.(Congrats to the 87 students who have so far registered for the GSoC 2015)

Link to event photos:GSOC Event Photos

I appreciate the effort and support from the GSA program, GDG JKUAT Team, Google Students @ JKUAT and volunteers  for making the event a success.

Isaac Jumba, GSA JKUAT.

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